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- U.S. Department of State
- Background Notes: China, November 1995
- Bureau of Public Affairs
- November 1995
- Official Name: People's Republic of China
- Geography
- Total Area: 9.6 million sq. km. Slightly larger than U.S.; world's
- third-largest country (after Russia and Canada).
- Cities: Capital--Beijing. Other major cities--Shanghai, Tianjin,
- Guangzhou, Shenyang, Wuhan, Chengdu.
- Terrain: Mostly mountainous, high plateaus, deserts in west; plains,
- deltas, and hills in east.
- Climate: Tropical in south to subarctic in north.
- People
- Nationality: Noun and adjective--Chinese (sing. and pl.).
- Population (1993): About 1.2 billion
- Growth rate (1993): 1.4%.
- Health (1993): Infant mortality rate--3/1,000. Life expectancy--68 yrs.
- male, 72 yrs. female.
- Ethnic groups: Han Chinese 93%; Zhuang, Uygur, Hui, Yi, Tibetan, Miao,
- Manchu, Mongol, Buyi, Korean, and other nationalities 6.7%.
- Religion: Officially atheist; most important elements of religion are
- Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism; Muslim 2%-3%, Christian 1%.
- Language: Standard Chinese (Putonghua, or Mandarin) plus many local
- dialects.
- Education: Years compulsory--nine. Literacy--73%. Attendance (est.)--
- 80%.
- Work force (650 million): Agriculture and forestry--60%. Industry--22%.
- Services, including commerce--8%.
- Government
- Type: Communist party-led state.
- Constitution: December 4, 1982.
- Independence: Unification under the Qin (Ch'in) Dynasty 221 BC; Qing
- (Ch'ing or Manchu) Dynasty replaced by a republic on February 12, 1912;
- People's Republic established October 1,1949.
- Branches: Executive--president, vice president, State Council, premier.
- Legislative--unicameral National People's Congress.
- Judicial--Supreme People's Court.
- Economy
- GNP (1993): $322 billion.
- Per capita GDP: $268.
- Annual real growth rate (1993): 13%.
- Natural resources: Coal, iron ore, crude oil, mercury, tin, tungsten,
- antimony, manganese, molybdenum, vanadium, magnetite, aluminum, lead,
- zinc, uranium, world's largest hydroelectric potential.
- Agriculture: among the world's largest producers of rice, potatoes,
- sorghum, peanuts, tea, millet, barley, and pork; commercial crops
- include cotton, other fibers, and oilseeds; produces variety of
- livestock products; basically self-sufficient in food.
- Trade (1993): Exports--$91.8 billion: textiles; garments;
- telecommunications and recording equipment; petroleum; minerals.
- Partners--Hong Kong, Japan, EU, U.S., ASEAN. Imports--$103.9 billion:
- specialized industrial machinery; chemicals; manufactured goods; steel;
- textile; yarn; fertilizer. Partners--Hong Kong, Japan, EU, U.S., ASEAN.
- The United States seeks constructive relations with a strong, stable,
- open, and prosperous China that is integrated into the international
- community and acts as responsible member of that community. The U.S.
- needs a constructive working relationship with China because:
- -- The People's Republic of China (P.R.C.) plays a major role in the
- post-Cold War world;
- -- It is the world's most populous nation (about 1.2 billion people)
- and the third-largest in land mass (after Russia and Canada);
- -- It has nuclear weapons, is a growing military power, and plays a key
- role in regional stability;
- -- As one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council,
- China has veto power over Security Council resolutions dealing with key
- multilateral issues, including international peacekeeping and the
- resolution of regional conflicts; and
- -- China is undergoing extraordinary economic growth and promises to be
- a preeminent economic power early in the next century.
- In the 1972 Shanghai Communique signed during President Nixon's historic
- trip to China, the United States adopted a "one-China policy." This
- policy acknowledges that Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait
- maintain that there is only one China and that Taiwan is part of China.
- In 1979, the United States established relations with the P.R.C. and
- transferred diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing. A 1979 Joint
- Communique reflected this change, and Beijing agreed that the American
- people would continue to carry on commercial, cultural, and other
- unofficial contacts with the people of Taiwan. The 1979 Taiwan Relations
- Act, and a third Joint Communique signed in 1982, further defined the
- U.S.-China relationship as well as unofficial U.S. relations with the
- people of Taiwan.
- In September 1993, President Clinton launched a policy of comprehensive
- engagement with China to pursue U.S. interests through intensive, high-
- level dialogue with the Chinese. This policy seeks:
- -- Constructive Chinese participation in the UN Security Council and in
- the resolution of regional conflicts to enhance global peace and
- security;
- -- Active participation by China in multilateral nonproliferation
- regimes, which is necessary to halt the spread of weapons of mass
- destruction and their delivery systems;
- -- Economic and trade relations with China that meet U.S. economic
- interests;
- -- Respect for internationally recognized standards of human rights and
- the rule of law in China; and
- -- Chinese cooperation on global issues, particularly to combat alien
- smuggling and narcotics trafficking and to improve protection of the
- environment.
- Regional security remains a key issue in the U.S.-China relations. The
- United States has a long-term interest in peace and stability in Asia;
- there are approximately 100,000 American soldiers stationed in the Asia-
- Pacific region. China plays a key role in regional security issues,
- including resolving the North Korean nuclear issue, reaching a peaceful
- settlement of the territorial dispute over the South China Sea and
- Spratly Islands, and building democracy and peace in Cambodia. The
- United States supports China's active participation in evolving regional
- security institutions, most prominently the ASEAN--Association of
- Southeast Asian Nations-Regional Forum and the Northeast Asia Security
- Dialogue.
- With regard to other nuclear and security issues, the United States and
- China have agreed to work together to try to achieve an international
- convention banning the production of fissile materials for nuclear
- weapons or other nuclear explosive devices. China is a signatory to the
- Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), has declared it will sign a
- nuclear test ban treaty in 1996, and has banned the exports of
- intermediate and long-range missiles. In May 1995, China voted in favor
- of indefinite extension of the NPT, a top priority in U.S. foreign
- policy. The United States continues to urge China to cease nuclear
- tests immediately and sign a zero-yield comprehensive test ban treaty
- (CTBT); stop all nuclear cooperation with Iran's nuclear power
- generation program; become a member of the Missile Technology Control
- Regime (MTCR) to further restrict transfers of missile components and
- technology; and control strictly exports of chemical and biological
- weapon precursors.
- Trade and Investment
- China's economy will soon be among the world's largest. The country has
- a quarter of the world's population--a vast pool of potential consumers
- for U.S. products and services--and market-oriented reforms have
- recently helped generate very rapid economic growth. The World Bank has
- predicted that China's economy will grow 8%-10% per year until the year
- 2000 and has estimated that China's economic output will reach $10
- trillion dollars by early in the next century.
- With this rapid economic expansion, China's market will be increasingly
- important for United Sates commercial interests. The U.S. currently
- grants China most-favored-nation trading status (see Government and
- Political Conditions). In some sectors, access to the Chinese market has
- become a critical element of U.S. producers' growth strategies. U.S.-
- China trade has continued to climb, reaching $47.7 billion in 1994--up
- from $40.3 billion the previous year. Recently, however, China's exports
- to the U.S. have accounted for most of the growth in bilateral trade.
- The U.S. merchandise trade deficit with China was about $29.4 billion in
- 1994, exceeded only by the U.S. bilateral trade deficit with Japan. In
- order to build a balanced and sustainable bilateral trading
- relationship, it will be essential to obtain greater market access for
- U.S. products and services in China
- Seeking to participate in China's rapid economic growth, major
- multinational corporations from around the world have shown great
- interest in investing in China. The United States is the third-largest
- source of such investment, after Hong Kong and Taiwan. Globally, China
- is second only to the United States as recipient of foreign direct
- investment.
- The increasingly important U.S. economic and trade relations with China
- are key to the Administration's "comprehensive engagement" strategy. In
- economics and trade, this strategy has two main elements.
- -- First, the United States seeks to fully integrate China into the
- global, market-based economic and trading system. China's participation
- in the global economy will nurture the process of economic reform and
- increase China's stake in the stability and prosperity of East Asia.
- -- Second, the United States seeks to expand U.S. exporters' and
- investors' access to the Chinese market. As China grows and develops,
- its needs for imported goods and services will grow even more rapidly.
- China is now in its tenth year of negotiations for accession to the
- World Trade Organization (WTO)--formerly the General Agreement on
- Tariffs and Trade (GATT). All new WTO members are required to comply
- with certain fundamental trading disciplines and offer substantially
- expanded market access to other members of the organization.
- Securing China's accession to the WTO on these terms is necessary for
- China's economic transformation, for stability and growth in the U.S.
- and other WTO-member economies, and for the integrity of the
- international trading system. The United States continues to work with
- China and other WTO members toward a commercially viable accession
- protocol.
- Many major trading entities--among them the United States, the European
- Union, and Japan--have shared concerns with respect to China's
- accession. These concerns include efforts to obtain satisfactory market
- access offers for both goods and services, full trading rights for all
- potential Chinese consumers and end-users, non-discrimination between
- foreign and local commercial operations in China, the reduction of
- monopolistic state trading practices, and the elimination of arbitrary
- or non-scientific technical standards.
- The United States and China also maintain a very active dialogue on
- bilateral trade issues. In the past year, the two sides have concluded
- agreements on the protection of intellectual property rights (IPR),
- textiles, and satellite launches. Additional talks are scheduled this
- year on civil aviation, export financing, maritime services, and a
- variety of other commercial issues.
- U.S. and Chinese negotiators meet regularly to review progress in
- implementing these and other important commercial agreements, such as
- the bilateral agreement on enforcement of intellectual property rights.
- In areas where China has failed to comply with its international
- commitments, the Administration has exercised its legislative authority
- to conduct investigations and, when necessary, propose appropriate trade
- sanctions. These efforts will not only expand the commercial
- opportunities open to U.S. exporters in China but also contribute to
- China's efforts to bring its trade regime into compliance with the WTO
- and with other international commercial standards.
- The United States continues to expand its export promotion efforts and
- its scientific and technical exchange programs in China. During Energy
- Secretary O'Leary's 1995 visit to China, the United States and China not
- only witnessed the signing of commercial agreements that will facilitate
- billions of dollars in new American exports but also established the
- framework for scientific, technical, and economic cooperation in
- developing China's sustainable energy development program. Commerce
- Secretary Brown's visits to China have been equally successful in
- helping to build long-term economic and business ties between China and
- the United States.
- The U.S. economic relationship with Hong Kong is closely tied to U.S.-
- China relations. Under the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration, Hong
- Kong will become a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the P.R.C. on
- July 1, 1997. U.S. concerns over this transition include economic and
- investment issues. The United States has substantial economic and social
- ties with Hong Kong, with an estimated $8 billion to $10 billion
- invested there. There are 900,000 U.S. firms and 30,000 Americans
- resident in Hong Kong. The United States is Hong Kong's largest market--
- importing almost $10 billion in 1993--and Hong Kong is America's
- fourteenth-largest trading partner--$9 billion in U.S. exports in 1993.
- The United States and China both are members of the Asia-Pacific
- Economic Cooperation forum (APEC). At the November 1994 APEC summit in
- Bogor, Indonesia, President Clinton, Chinese President Jiang Zemin, and
- the other APEC leaders pledged to meet the goal of free and open trade
- and investment in the Asia-Pacific region by the year 2020.
- Principal U.S. Embassy Officials
- Ambassador--vacant
- Charge d'Affaires--Scott S. Hallford
- Political Officer--William A. Stanton
- Economic Officer--Jack L. Gosnell
- Commercial Officer--Ying Lam
- The U.S. embassy in China is located at Xiu Shui Bei Jie 3, 100600,
- Beijing; tel. [86] (10) 532-3831; fax [86] (10) 532-6422.
- China has been a one-party state controlled by the Chinese Communist
- Party (CCP) since 1949. The P.R.C. was founded that year following the
- communist victory in a civil war with the ruling Nationalist Chinese;
- the Nationalists fled to Taiwan.
- China is ruled by a CCP Politburo and a shrinking circle of retired but
- still powerful senior leaders such as Deng Xiaoping. Despite continued
- official adherence to Marxism-Leninism, in recent years economic
- decision-making has become less ideological, more decentralized, and
- increasingly market-oriented. The P.R.C. Government position is that
- China is developing a "socialist market economy with Chinese
- characteristics."
- The Chinese Government has always been subordinate to the CCP; its role
- is to implement party policies. The primary instruments of state power
- are the State Council, an executive body corresponding to a cabinet; and
- the National People's Congress (NPC), a legislative body. Members of
- the State Council include the premier, a variable number of vice
- premiers, nine state councilors, the heads of ministries, and the heads
- of other commissions and agencies attached to the State Council.
- Under the Chinese constitution, the NPC theoretically is the state's
- leading government body. Members are elected by secret ballot for a
- five-year term by provincial-level people's congresses. It meets
- annually for about two weeks to review major new policy initiatives
- presented to it by the State Council after endorsement by the Communist
- Party's Central Committee. Although the NPC generally approves these
- initiatives, NPC committees debate in closed sessions, and changes may
- be made to accommodate alternative views.
- Although traditionally not considered independent of the party and
- government, China's judiciary continues to undergo rapid reform. The
- drive to establish a functioning legal system first began in 1979.
- China's 1982 constitution--adopted by the NPC--emphasizes the rule of
- law under which even party leaders are held accountable. A mainstay of
- China's legal system is the use of mediation committees, groups of
- citizens who resolve about 90% of civil disputes and some minor criminal
- cases at no cost to the parties. Trained lawyers and legal aides remain
- scarce, complicating delivery of legal services in the courts. An
- Administrative Procedure Law allows citizens to sue officials for abuse
- of authority or malfeasance. The highest court of appeal for civil or
- criminal cases is the Supreme People's Court.
- Fundamental human rights provided for in China's 1982 constitution are
- frequently ignored in practice, particularly when the citizens challenge
- the CCP's political authority. Those charged with political offenses--as
- opposed to common crimes--are frequently treated harshly and
- arbitrarily. Freedom of association, religion, speech, and the press are
- severely restricted in practice.
- Following the P.R.C. Government's suppression of the democracy movement
- at Tiananmen Square in June 1989, the U.S. and other nations imposed a
- number of sanctions against China. Some of these Tiananmen-era U.S.
- sanctions remain in place. The Trade Act of 1974--specifically, the
- Jackson-Vanik amendment--requires an annual review of China's emigration
- record for China to retain its most-favored-nation trading status (MFN).
- This annual review remains in effect and, since 1990, has been the focus
- of efforts in both the executive and legislative branches to assess our
- overall relationship with China, including China's performance on human
- rights issues.
- In May 1993, President Clinton signed an Executive Order tying renewal
- of China's MFN in 1994 to progress in several human rights areas.
- Although China did not achieve "overall significant progress" in certain
- areas identified in the Executive Order, the President decided to renew
- China's MFN status on May 26, 1994. He noted that China met the two
- mandatory requirements on immigration and prison labor.
- Taking into account these results and other vital U.S. interests, and
- convinced that the time had come for a new approach, the President
- decided to de-link the annual MFN process from China's human rights
- performance. At the same time, the President decided to adopt a new
- human rights strategy, maintaining human rights concerns as an essential
- part of our engagement with China but in a broader context. The
- President also ordered a several additional steps to support those
- seeking to foster the rule of law and a more open civil society in
- China.
- The United States and China have conducted seven rounds of bilateral
- dialogue on human rights issues since October 1993. The United States
- continues to press China on core human rights concerns: release of
- prisoners of conscience and medical parole cases; resumption of
- negotiations with the Dalai Lama on protecting the distinctive heritage
- and culture of Tibet; and concluding an agreement with international
- humanitarian organizations to permit visits to Chinese prisons and
- prisoners. In addition, U.S. concerns over Hong Kong's transition to
- Chinese rule in 1997 include ensuring continued respect for human rights
- and the rule of law in Hong Kong.
- The United States has been disappointed with China's progress on human
- rights since MFN renewal in May 1994. The United States continues to
- urge China to adhere to internationally recognized human rights
- standards.
- Principal Officials
- President and Chinese Communist Party General Secretary--Jiang Zemin
- Vice President--Rong Yiren
- Premier of the State Council--Li Peng
- Minister of Foreign Affairs--Qian Qichen
- Ambassador to the U.S.--Li Daoyu
- Ambassador to the UN--Qin Huasun
- China maintains an embassy in the United States at 2300 Connecticut Ave.
- NW, Washington, DC 20008; tel. 202-328-2500/2501/2502.
- The U.S. Department of State's Consular Information Program provides
- Travel Warnings and Consular Information Sheets. Travel Warnings are
- issued when the State Department recommends that Americans avoid travel
- to a certain country. Consular Information Sheets exist for all
- countries and include information on immigration practices, currency
- regulations, health conditions, areas of instability, crime and
- security, political disturbances, and the addresses of the U.S. posts in
- the subject country. They can be obtained by telephone at (202) 647-5225
- or by fax at (202) 647-3000. To access the Consular Affairs Bulletin
- Board by computer, dial (202) 647-9225, via a modem with standard
- settings. Bureau of Consular Affairs' publications on obtaining
- passports and planning a safe trip aboard are available from the
- Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,
- Washington, DC 20402, tel. (202) 783-3238.
- Emergency information concerning Americans traveling abroad may be
- obtained from the Office of Overseas Citizens Services at (202) 647-
- 5225.
- Travelers can check the latest health information with the U.S. Centers
- for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia. A hotline at
- (404) 332-4559 gives the most recent health advisories, immunization
- recommendations or requirements, and advice on food and drinking water
- safety for regions and countries. A booklet entitled Health Information
- for International Travel (HHS publication number CDC-94-8280, price
- $7.00) is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office,
- Washington, DC 20420, tel. (202) 512-1800.
- Information on travel conditions, visa requirements, currency and
- customs regulations, legal holidays, and other items of interest to
- travelers also may be obtained before your departure from a country's
- embassy and/or consulates in the U.S. (for this country, see "Principal
- Officials" listing in this publication).
- Upon their arrival in a country, U.S. citizens are encouraged to
- register at the U.S. embassy (see "Principal U.S. Embassy Officials"
- listing in this publication). This may help family members contact you
- en route in case of an emergency.
- Further Electronic Information:
- Consular Affairs Bulletin Board (CABB). Available by modem, the CABB
- provides Consular Information Sheets, Travel Warnings, and helpful
- information for travelers. Access at (202) 647-9225 is free of charge to
- anyone with a personal computer, modem, telecommunications software, and
- a telephone line.
- Department of State Foreign Affairs Network. Available on the Internet,
- DOSFAN provides timely, global access to official U.S. foreign policy
- information. Updated daily, DOSFAN includes Background Notes; Dispatch,
- the official weekly magazine of U.S. foreign policy; daily press
- briefings; directories of key officers of foreign service posts; etc.
- DOSFAN is accessible three ways on the Internet:
- Gopher: dosfan.lib.uic.edu
- URL: gopher://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/
- WWW: http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/dosfan.html
- U.S. Foreign Affairs on CD-ROM (USFAC). Published on a quarterly basis
- by the U.S. Department of State, USFAC archives information on the
- Department of State Foreign Affairs Network, and includes an array of
- official foreign policy information from 1990 to the present. Priced at
- $80 ($100 foreign), one-year subscriptions include four discs (MSDOS and
- Macintosh compatible) and are available from the Superintendent of
- Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, P.O. Box 37194, Pittsburgh,
- PA 15250-7954. To order, call (202) 512-1800 or fax (202) 512-2250.
- Federal Bulletin Board (BBS). A broad range of foreign policy
- information also is carried on the BBS, operated by the U.S. Government
- Printing Office (GPO). By modem, dial (202) 512-1387. For general BBS
- information, call (202) 512-1530.
- National Trade Data Bank (NTDB). Operated by the U.S. Department of
- Commerce, the NTDB contains a wealth of trade-related information,
- including Country Commercial Guides. It is available on the Internet
- (gopher.stat-usa.gov) and on CD-ROM. Call the NTDB Help-Line at (202)
- 482-1986 for more information.
- ==============================
- Background Notes Series -- Published by the United States Department of
- State -- Bureau of Public Affairs -- Office of Public Communication --
- Washington, DC
- This information is in the public domain and may be reproduced without
- permission; citation of this source is appreciated.
- (###)